Core Web Vitals are a new benchmark in delivering an exceptional user experience on the web. Optimizing these vitals can improve your website's visibility and performance in search engine results. Some key factors include loading speed, interaction responsiveness, and visual stability. So, what are the best ways to optimize these vitals for your web presence?1. **Active Link Building:** Keeping in mind that quality matters more than quantity, actively building links is crucial. One strategy could be forum links. As discussed in the thread, it may require a substantial budget. However, it can be an effective strategy for small businesses if they prioritize quality over quantity, building links organically and choosing partner websites carefully.2. **Use of SEO Practices:** Applying SEO tactics isn't rocket science; with the right approach, it can be quite simple. The most practical step-by-step tactic is to dig deep to figure out what's important and focus on achieving results. One can consider a step-by-step guide that includes thorough SEO audits and optimizing as per the guide to garner significant traffic.3. **On-Page SEO**: This includes optimizing your title tag and meta description. Remember, the title tag is the most vital factor of on-page SEO, and the keyword should be included in the title tag. Also, keep your meta description between 155-160 characters long.4. **Modern Backlinking Tips**: Optimize your backlink strategy by carefully considering the balance of high-quality content and diverse backlinks. The posts highlight that well-received guidelines can span across all kinds of businesses from S&P500 and FTSE100 companies to small eCommerce brands, emphasizing quality and strategy over mere numbers.5. **Pay Attention to Local SEO**: Particularly beneficial for small businesses, optimizing local listings, such as Google My Business, Bing Local, and Yahoo Local, can immensely help in ranking higher on local search results. Include essential details like business name, address, photos & videos, contact info, introduction, category, keywords, hours of business. Also, focus on getting regular client reviews.Remember, merely focusing on text and keywords is not enough in the age of interactive media and advanced backend websites. Balanced UX/UI strategies, proper use of ranking tools, SEO-friendly design for image-heavy websites, and appropriate link building are equally crucial. Lastly, all tactics stated here should tie into improving your Core Web Vitals, making the strategies work for you and your website's SEO in tandem.